36,199 ton decline in salmon production in 2022 finds government report

Production of Atlantic salmon in Scotland for 2022 fell 18 percent on the previous year, settling at 169,194 tons.

The Scottish Government on Tuesday released the Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey of 2022, highlighting mixed trends in the nation’s aquaculture industry.

The survey offers a detailed analysis, tracking trends and developments within the Scottish fish farming landscape, spanning across Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, and other species over a 21-year period from 2002 to 2022.

According to the report, production of Atlantic salmon in 2022 faced a significant downturn, decreasing by 36,199 metric tons, or 18 percent, settling at 169,194 tons.

Despite this decline in mature fish, the production of salmon smolts saw an increase, with 55.1 million being produced, marking an 8 percent increase or an additional 3.9 million smolts compared to the previous year.

On the brighter side, the rainbow trout sector experienced growth, with production tonnage escalating by 7 percent to reach 8,757 metric, setting a new record for rainbow trout production in Scotland. However, the production of brown and sea trout remained constant at 23 tons.

Employment figures in the sector also reflected a minor but positive change. The total number of staff directly involved in salmon production increased to 1,508, registering an addition of 13 staff members compared to 2021. It is pertinent to note that these figures are exclusive of personnel engaged in processing or marketing activities.


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