$60 million worth of salmon farming projects approved in Chile’s Magallanes region

Big industry push in Chile’s Antarctic region.

The Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region Environmental Evaluation Service (SEA) held its first session of 2019 to review projects under environmental consideration. Three of the projects considered are related to the salmon farming industry in Magallanes and represent a total investment of more than USD 60 million, according to Aqua.cl.

Blumar subsidary Bluriver – which aims to start operations this year – is investing USD 30 million to build a RAS facility to produce 3,600 tonnes a year of post-smolts a year.

Multiexport-owned Cultivos Otway had its 2017 environmental review approved paving the way for a USD 27.6 million salmon farm. The company want to produce over 5 thousand tonnes of fish a year.


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