New air connection links Chile to US boosting salmon exports

Antofagasta and Miami now linked.

Chile’s biggest customer is to get more exports thanks to a new connection, linking Antofagasta, a northern port city to Miami, in the south of Florida.

The new flight route will enable the country to have better links and a direct connection with Europe and Asia, through arbritage in the US’ ports and airports according to noticiaslogisticaytransporte.

The details of the new trading platform were presented by the Chilean mayor Marco Antonio DĂ­az, who explained that from Antofagasta, products such as salmon, fruits and even those related to mining material, can now be exported. It will also be an import point.

The route will be inaugurated on November 15, with the first of 27 flights until December 31.

“I am pleased to give this news because Antofagasta is establishing itself as a service platform, occupying its port, airport, road infrastructure, railroad capacity, beginning to be recognised in the international concert as an import destination,” said DĂ­az.

27 flights are projected, from November 15 to December 31, while from January this will will be reduced from four to two flights a day, of which a big part of the cargo will be of salmon. Each flight will involve the transfer of around 50 tons.

The publication added that the airport has a 598m2 cold chamber with a 100-tonne load capacity.


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