Since operations started in 2016, “Global Fish” has successfully grown several large batches, now ranging from eggs to smolts to 5kg harvest-size fish.
In a press release, AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies, an Israeli recirculating aquaculture technology manufacturer, has revealed a 600 metric ton per annum salmon hatchery, smolt and market-size Atlantic salmon recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) R&D facility near Warsaw, Poland.

5Kg harvest-size fish
Since operations commenced in 2016, AquaMaof say that their “Global Fish” facility has successfully grown several large batches, now ranging from eggs to smolts to 5kg harvest-size fish.
David Hazut, CEO of AquaMaof, said, “We see significant growth potential in the supply of recirculating aquaculture systems to Salmon production companies. The investment in Poland will serve two main purposes: first, we are operating this facility as an R&D centre, collecting valuable information and analysing it, for further innovation in the RAS area. Secondly, it serves as a training facility for our customers’ staff”.

“Global Fish facility” houses multiple RAS rearing units with tank space ranging from 1-200 m3. AquaMaof’s advanced Zero Discharge Technology uses proprietary water reuse techniques. The company say that no antibiotics or chemicals are used in the process and that “biosecurity is paramount, and complete environmental control ensure that salmons are grown in an environment which promotes the highest health and welfare status”. Furthermore they added that “no drum filters require minimal maintenance, while their feeding modes and feeding management system, enables reduction of the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and operational costs.”
“We are extremely proud of the fact that in such short a time we were able to achieve very good results in growing smolts up to market-size Salmons, in terms of operation costs, FCR and not less important – excellent taste and colour of the fish” said Hazut.
“Apart from the Global Fish facility, we have several additional projects around the world in different stages, for Smolt and harvest-size Salmon production facilities, implementing our proprietary technology, and we expect more projects to commence in the coming months” concluded Hazut.