Bakkafrost appoints new MD to Scottish Salmon Company

Odd Eliasen will hand over to Ian Laister.

In Bakkafrosts’ interim Q4 2020 report, the Faroese salmon farmer writes that Ian Laister has been appointed as MD of the Scottish Salmon Company.

Laister joined SSC 18 months ago to support the transition, and then post-acquisition integration, acting as deputy to the interim CEO Odd Eliasen, during the first transition period.

Eliasen, who is also the MD of Bakkarosts’ fish feed subsidiary Havsbrun, has held the interim position of SSC CEO since Bakkafrost acquired the company in Q4 2019.

Bakkafrost wrote that Laister has “more than 20 years’ experience creating value and restoring performance across diverse sectors both as a director and as a management consultant”.

Laister will start in the role on the 1st of March.

On Tuesday, it was reported that Bakkarost’s earnings had been dented by challenging recurring patterns at Scottish operations.


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