Balance between supply and demand as salmon price is stable

Sideways into next week.

“Just under 70 kroner (EUR 6.8). Fis farmers say above and exporters say below NOK 70,” one exporter concludes. “It comes quite a bit of slightly larger fish. 3-5 kg pulls in the opposite direction. The prices will be fairly flat.” [factbox]

“The price is plus/minus NOK 70,” says a fish farmer to SalmonBusiness.

This means that the spot price will remain at the level it has been at for the past two weeks.

“It seems stable, maybe a krone down because of currency. A 4+ price, I would say. Not premium on 6+. 3-4 is at NOK 67-68 (EUR 6.5-6.6), NOK 68 at 4+ to farmers in the north [of Norway],” says a trader.

“That gives an Oslo price of around NOK 70, because it costs two NOK per kg to transport it to Oslo. The logistics have become a challenge, one can safely say that,” he adds.

Some hope for somewhat higher prices:

“70-71-73 (EUR 6.8, 6.9, 7.0),” says a farmer. “We tried to go out with higher prices than that, but by jacking it down, the gut feeling is that we will be able to agree with the customers on that. Customers confirm that they receive offers at this level.”

Slaughter profile
“The tension lies in the slaughter profile for the rest of the year, given the resource rent from 1 January 2023. Normally, it would go down, but if you want to take out more volume before the new year, you have to start soon,” he points out.

“But the currency is going the wrong way. We have received a lot of help in the last few weeks. It was at 10.50 (NOK vs euro), now it is at 10.33, which means that it (salmon price – editor’s note) may stay around NOK 70,” he says and adds: “Nothing has been done yet.”


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