Bioionix say it can eliminate and remove the dreaded “red tide” or algea bloom, which has kept Chilean salmon farms on alert ever since it decimated stocks in 2016.
The US-based Bioionix, a technology platform company, has received final approval from Chile’s Ministry of Aquaculture to eliminate the country’s red tide threat.

The company has developed an “electrolytic disinfection process system” that can render the harmful microalgae Alexandrum cantenella, better known as“red tide” inactive.
The BIOIONIX 6500 and 8500 systems have been specifically approved by Sernapesca, the Chilean government’s fisheries regulatory authority.
Hans Kossmann, marine biologist who has a masters in biotechnology management has worked with and tested the systems to develop the application. According to Kossmann, who is also a partner and director of Patagonia Wellboats in Chile:“The Bioionix systems are superior to other treatment methods to assure food safety. They have the potential of significantly improving the ability of the fishery industry of Chile and other countries to provide food products around the world.”
“Bioionix has worked diligently with Ancora (, our Chilean partners, to achieve this validation and certification,” says Pete Marsnik, CEO. “We’re proud to provide the only solution tested under real conditions aboard a working wellboat that has been specified by Sernapesca in its regulatory findings and approvals. We’re eager to serve the Chilean seafood industry and make BIOIONIX technology available to seafood producers worldwide.”