The Chilean Maritime Authority continues its operational deployment in the wake of the “Isla Tautil” stranding.
On Thursday, the Chilean Navy issued an update on the stranding of the cargo ship “Isla Tautil” in Patagonia, Southern Chile.

According to a video posted by the Navy on Twitter, the Armada de Chile carried out an air-maritime exploration of the area around the stranded boat. They reported no contamination yet of the marine environment.
Autoridad Marítima continúa el despliegue operativo ante la varada de Motonave “Isla Tautil”, con el Grupo Aeronaval sur efectuando una exploración aeromarítima en Canal Sarmiento.#ArmadaEnMagallanes#ArmadaTeCuida
— Armada de Chile (@Armada_Chile) November 18, 2021
Naval Engineers remain on standby in the event of any contamination.