Former Nutreco CEO reveals new job

Knut Nesse was appointed managing director of SeaBOS starting 1 January 2019.

The former head of the Dutch feed giant Nutreco, resigned in June after six years at the helm. He had enjoyed a 23-year career, starting in company’s proprietary feed company, Skretting.

Nesse has been involved with Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS)where he is one of the ten industry participants and formally it’s chairman.

The initiative has a view to connect seafood business to science, as well as European and North American companies to Asian ones with the ambition to “lead a global transformation towards sustainable seafood production and a healthy ocean.”

Participants from left to right: Carl Folke (Stockholm Resilience Centre), Knut Nesse (Nutreco), Therese Log Bergjord (Skretting), Thiraphong Chansiri (Thai Union), Geir Molvik (Cermaq), Einar Wathne (Cargill Aqua Nutrition), Alf-Helge Aarskog (Marine Harvest), Henrik Österblom (Stockholm Resilience Centre). Front row: Sujint Thammasart (CP Foods), Myoung Woo Lee (Dongwon), Yutaka Kyoya (Mitsubishi), Makoto Inoue (Kyokuyo), Shigeru Ito (Maruha Nichiro Corporation), Akiyo Matono (Nippon Suisan Kaisha)

The organisation, consisting of ten of the largest seafood companies in the world as well as Victoria Crown Princess of Sweden  had a meeting on the 4th of September with key industry leaders including Alf-Helge Aarskog (Marine Harvest), Geir Molvik (Cermaq) and Therese Log Bergjord (Skretting).

It was at this meeting, the SeaBOS organisation formally established the appointment Shigeru Ito, CEO and President of Maruha Nichiro Corporation – the largest seafood company in the world, as chairman, while Mr Nesse, was appointed managing director of SeaBOS as of 1 January 2019.

“The ocean cannot wait and we have the responsibility to make a difference. We now have a solid financial and institutional basis for this young initiative, which started only in 2016, and I am very happy to accept this new position as SeaBOS director,” said Knut Nesse.


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