Gas explosion at giant fish processing factory vessel kills one worker

Other seriously injured.

Tass reports that two individuals were injured due to a gas bottle explosion aboard Russia’s largest fish processing factory ship “Vsevolod Sibirtsev” on Saturday, according to the Marine Rescue and Coordination Center.

“The bottle explosion occurred during hot work. Two individuals were injured. One of them is in serious condition,” the Center said.

Additional coverage in Russia media such as Sputnik has since been updated with reports that a welder died. A woman on board also broke her leg during the evacuation.

A spokesperson for Rosmorrechflot, the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport told Sputnik that the accident happened at the Nakhodka shipyard in the Far East of Russia. During welding, the deck caught fire above the fuel tank which then exploded.

A criminal case has been opened, authorities said.

Owned by the leading manufacturer of canned fish in the Far East Dobroflot, at 179m long “Vsevolod Sibirtsev” is the largest fish processing factory ship in Russia.

The vessel can process wild-caught salmon as well mackerel, pollock, squid and herring, according to zr press.


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