Greenwashing the salmon industry? NGOs slam Global Seafood Alliance

Editorial Staff

Major retailers worldwide rely on BAP certification as part of their responsible seafood sourcing policies.

A coalition comprising 76 environmental, animal welfare, and community organizations from 18 nations has criticized the Global Seafood Alliance, accusing it of greenwashing practices within the salmon farming industry.

The allegations were made in an open letter submitted on the final day of the public consultation for the BAP Salmon Farm Standard issue 3.0.

The activists leveled accusations against numerous BAP-certified farms and facilities, alleging complicity in environmental degradation, illegal activities, and adverse impacts on endangered species.

Citing examples from major salmon farming regions such as Norway, Chile, Canada, and Scotland, the letter highlighted concerns over sea lice, disease, chemical pollution, and water quality damage.

The new BAP standard has come under fire for its failure to establish quantifiable limits on critical environmental issues. Critics argue that the standard merely requires farms to meet minimal legal obligations, maintaining status quo practices without addressing underlying environmental and social concerns.

Many major retailers worldwide, including Amazon, Walmart, Tesco, and Woolworths, rely on BAP certification as part of their responsible seafood sourcing policies.

Dana Cleaveley, a market analyst at SeaChoice, urged these supermarkets to conduct their own due diligence on seafood supply chains, rather than relying solely on flawed certifications.

The open letter follows recent exposés by the Outlaw Ocean Project and Corporate Accountability Lab, uncovering allegations of forced labor, child labor, worker exploitation, and environmental damage associated with BAP-certified facilities in the Indian shrimp supply chain.


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