Nordlaks gives status update on The ocean farm project, one of the largest moored floating structures in the world.
In mid-March, the ocean farm left the dock at Yantai Raffles’ yard in eastern China.

On Thursday evening, Nordlak published fresh pictures of “The ocean farm on its Facebook page and wrote:
“Now we must enjoy what we can, and Havfarmen is certainly such a matter. Despite the challenges with the coronavirus for us too, there has been good progress at the shipyard in China in recent weeks. At the time of writing, “Jostein Albert” (named long-time chairman of Nordlaks Jostein Albert Refsnes ed.) It is located far from the sea off Yantai, where the unit is going through a set of tests before carrying it back to the shipyard. Although much work will remain to make clear the release of fish when Havfarm arrives in Norway, it is very good to report that it is now approaching uploading for transport. So where are we travelling? To Hadsel of course! (home commune in county of Nordland, Norway ed). ”
The 385m long ocean farm “Jostein Albert” weighs 33,000 tonnes and can hold two million salmon. It is scheduled to be in place in Hadsel, Northern Norway, this summer.