Huge demand for sustainable raw materials for feed will be needed in years to come

Aslak Berge

As demand for farmed seafood increases so will new sources for raw material.

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A clock ticks down on a screen behind her. It shows a startling live update of the world’s rapidly growing population.

The world population must have food. And the need will only increasing in the decades to come.

“The sea is a good source of protein,” said Skretting CEO Therese Log Bergjord during today’s Aqkva conference in Bergen, Norway.

She pointed out that fish farming is already larger than all of the fish caught globally.

One of three salmon in the world is fed by Skretting. And sourcing of feedstock is high on the agenda of the company.

“We believe that 45,000 tonnes of raw materials per year must be produced in the years ahead – and that must be done sustainably,” she emphasised.

Traditionally, salmon, and other farmed fish, have been fed by a diet consisting of fish meal and oil, supplemented by cereals, soy, wheat and canola. Among the new feed sources are both insects and algae.

“Skretting has grown, we have 30 factories in 19 countries, we produce over two million tonnes of feed annually. Salmon is important to us, and accounts for more than half of the feed we produce,” Bergjord noted.

She leads 3,500 employees from her hometown of Stavanger, southwestern Norway.

“We are one of the largest companies, and therefore we must take great responsibility,” she said.


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