Måsøval sees EBIT double for Q4 boosted by soaring salmon prices

Editorial Staff

Norwegian salmon producer Masoval has reported its financial results for the fourth quarter of 2023.

The company’s operating revenues were NOK 688 million ($65.36 million), significantly higher than the NOK 400 million ($38 million) reported in the same quarter of the previous year.

This increase is attributed to a combination of higher harvest volumes, which rose from 5,032 tons to 7,927 tons, and increased average sales prices, from NOK 67.5 per kg to NOK 78.3 per kg.

The group’s operational EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) for the quarter was NOK 112 million ($10.64 million), more than doubling the NOK 44 million ($4.18 million) in the fourth quarter of the previous year.

The company is guiding a harvest volume of 25,700-26,700 tons for 2024.


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