Only fishermen at greater risk than aquaculture workers of dying at work Norwegian survey finds

editorial staff

Survey in Norway finds that workers in the aquaculture industry have the second greatest risk of dying at work. From 1998 to 2018, 167 fishermen and 18 aquaculture workers lost their lives at work in the country.

In a survey, presented in the Norwegian publication, Magazine for Trade Unions, management and staff were asked to assess the safety of the aquaculture industry. The survey reveals many positive factors, but at the same time that there is room for improvement in various areas.

The survey comes as the partner of a Mowi worker crushed to death in Scotland has announced plans to sue the company.

Read more: Woman to sue Mowi after partner crushed to death

Employees at facilities and vessels generally assess the safety climate as good, but at the same time they state stress injuries and acute injuries as the main reasons for work-related absence and worry.

Falling, being hit by an object, getting caught, getting crushed and cut, are the most common types of accidents in aquaculture. Three out of four employees state that they or their colleagues have experienced near-accidents in the past year.

Employees who work outside the facility have a great responsibility for the safety of the fish, for fish welfare and to prevent escape. Examples of challenges are understaffing, work pressure with, for example, long work sessions during large operations, inadequate training, lack of involvement of employees when new procedures are designed and introduced, and down-prioritization of maintenance tasks.

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