Currently under construction in Norway, vessel will enter into operations in early 2022.
In a press release, Chilean salmon farmer Salmones Camanchaca writes that it has signed a contract with Naviera Orca Chile for the exclusive use of a new Norwegian origin wellboat. This ship is being built by the shipyard Larsnes Mek. Verksted and will arrive in Chile by the end of 2021, and put to work shortly after.
“According to our business strategy, the objective of incorporating this boat, equipped with the most modern technology, is to serve for transport to fish, during harvest periods, and to carry out additional antiparasitic treatments. It will allow us to be more competitive, under high environmental standards,” said Salmones Camanchaca CEO Manuel Arriagada.
The ship can carry more than 400 tonnes of live salmon, and has a hold capacity of 2,800 m3, exceeding the average of 1,000 m3 of the ships that exist in the country. In addition, it will have equipment for zero-emissions, water monitoring and purification, as well as a RSW refrigeration system and freshwater production and treatment.

To award the contract, Salmones Camanchaca made a tender involving the main Chilean and Norwegian companies and was eventually awarded to Naviera Orca Chile, given the particularities of the ship, which will be the ninth of its kind in the world.
The modern boat is 79.3m long, 15m long, and corresponds to the first of its kind to reach Chile.
Naviera Orca Chile CEO Ezequias Alliende said that “this ship is the fruit of the work of many years”.
“We are convinced that it will prove to be an excellent boat at the service of the salmon industry of our country. In June 2020 we made the decision to start its construction, it was a very important decision that comes to be perfected with this contract that we have awarded ourselves. We are very happy and feel a great responsibility with Camanchaca, a company that believed in our proposal,” he added.