Scottish salmon farmers voice concern over SNP co-operation deal with the Greens

Greens want to phase out open cage farming.

On Thursday, it was reported on the BBC that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been discussing a formal co-operation agreement with the Scottish Greens.

The SNP won 64 seats in the Holyrood election – one short of a majority – and Sturgeon would have a majority if she used the seven Scottish Green MSPs. She could possibly give them ministerial jobs.

On their manifesto, the Greens say they want to phase out open cage farming. They also want to introduce a moratorium on the licensing of new salmon farms and the expansion of existing ones.

An SSPO spokesman told the BBC said the manifesto plans have the “potential to prejudice the sector’s future and thousands of jobs”.

A spokesman for Scottish Green MSPs told the news site “that it was too early to say which issues would arise in talks with the SNP. He added that “that environmental harm and fish welfare was a higher priority than phasing out caged fish farms altogether”.


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