Smoked salmon producer extends deal to serve Waitrose across UK

Editorial staff

Loch Fyne Oysters smoked salmon business will now expand their deal with Waitrose and therefore adds smoked salmon to product list sold in 130 supermarkets, writes Insider

Loch Fyne Oysters has a high-end hand-sliced Bradan Orach smoked salmon which will now be a supplement to Waitrose’s offering of Loch Fyne oysters and mussels produced by the seafood specialist.

“We’re very proud to expand upon our existing partnership with Waitrose, which follows strong sales results since introducing our world-renowned seafood to the retailer in 2018,” said Loch Fyne managing director Cameron Brown to Insider, and continued:

“The craft of preparing and hand-slicing this exquisite cut of fish is a real learned skill, which offers future job creation and training opportunities at our rural base in Argyll. We are particularly excited about the new business opportunities we are accessing in export markets with our artisanal products, notably the US.”


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