Speculations: New fish farming regulation might result in lawsuits

Editorial staff

The traffic light regulation presented yesterday by the Norwegian government might end up filling courtrooms.

Tuesday the new traffic light regulation was finally introduced. Two production areas in Norway obtained a red light and the farming sites in these areas must, therefore, reduce the production capacity by 6 pct. The areas are Nordhordland to Stadt (PO4) and Stadt to Hustadvika (PO5).

See map

Legal actions
Not unexpectedly, many reactions followed after the presentation, including reactions from The Norwegian Seafood Federation and seafood companies.

Founder and CEO of Firda Seafood, Ola Braanaas, believes that you should only regulate the sites that don’t comply with the regulation. Like farmer Nils Tore Karstensen, he considers the currents situation as “a collective punishment”.

“We are very sceptical that this reduction will apply to everyone and will look into the legal basis for this,” says Braanaas to the Norwegian business newspaper Dagens Næringsliv(DN).

The Minister of Fisheries and Seafood, Geir-Inge Sivertsen, reply to; whether lawsuits may be brought on by salmon farmers, due to rules for reduced production, is:

“I don’t want to speculate. But I haven’t received any signs that indicate it.”


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