There is a 14km wait for trucks to get into Poland

Queues to get into Europe’s biggest buyer of salmon are huge.

Despite long waiting for lines to get into Poland, the processing veteran and Milarex major shareholder  (25 per cent) Jerzy Malek told SalmonBusiness that “fish is getting in”.

“The management has been with us for years. We have been in stressful situations, not like this, we’re not panicking lets put it this way,” he added.

Map: Sixfold

According to the site sixfold, there is currently a 14-km truck border crossing time to get into the Eastern European country.

Malek developed the German smoked salmon market and is the founder of Polish processor Morpol (now owned by Mowi).

There are long queues for trucks to get into Poland, is fish coming and out?

“Up to now the fish is coming in and out – that is not a problem at all,” he added.


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