Scottish Sea Farms withdraws from ASC certification

Editorial Staff

The company claims the ASC Salmon Standard in Scotland has seen changes in recent months that vary from other salmon producing countries.

SalMar-backed salmon producer Scottish Sea Farms has announced its decision to temporarily withdraw from the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Salmon Standard certification program.

In a notice issued in December, the company cited recent changes to ASC standards in Scotland.

“Over recent months, the ASC Salmon Standard in Scotland has seen several changes; changes that vary from other salmon producing countries and that we believe are not in the best interests of our fish,” wrote the company.

“In some instances, certification stipulates that we should intervene in fish health when our own experienced veterinarians have advised that the salmon are best left alone.”

The company had achieved and maintained certification for three of its farms, with three additional farms in the midst of the certification process.

Acknowledging the increasing complexities and challenges posed by the changing climate and marine environment, Scottish Sea Farms expressed its continued belief in the overarching principles of the ASC Salmon Standard but have chosen to voluntarily withdraw from the scheme to prioritize the well-being of their fish, wrote the company.

A spokesperson for the company told SalmonBusiness that talks with the ASC remain ongoing. We have also reached out to the ASC for comment on the issue.


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