And the first certified brewery is putting it on this August…
Hopworks Urban Brewery will also bring together 21 certified breweries and beers to the bash in Portland as reported in the site
Oregon state has the highest amount of breweries per capita, but also a billion-dollar salmon industry alongside it
The Salmon-safe certification is an accreditation for farmers, vineyards, urban developers, builders, land managers and of course, breweries.

On average, breweries use about four litres of fresh water for every litre of beer—and the initiative wanted to do make sure that their rivers in the NorthWest pacific area stayed fresh for the fish.
“Brewers are intensive users of resources, especially water … so it’s important for us to understand what it means to use those things and then do something about it,” Christian Ettinger, Hopworks’ founder, told Hakai Magazine.
Ettinger hopes that more salmon-conscious beer-making methods will be picked by facilities across the country.
Hopworks had to prove that it properly treats wastewater that passes through its factory and grounds, ensuring that only clean water returns to local rivers. It also adopted Salmon-Safe-approved materials, like low-flow faucets, retention ponds, and pervious concrete.
The festival will take place on August 25th.